
Time spent on the road

It’s almost 8:30 PM when the meeting with my accountant is finally over. But the day is not over yet, I still have a 4-hour drive ahead of me.

While changing from high heels into more comfortable converse, my stomach starts to protest. At a traditional Belgian “Frietkot” I treat myself to delicious Belgian fries with Samourai sauce(i.e., mayonnaise with Tunisian chili, spices, tomatoes, and bell peppers) and a deep fried “curryworst”. As Elmer will confirm, I never drive with an empty stomach.

It’s getting dark, I turn on the radio, loud! I feel the beat moving through my body. I start laughing, wondering what other drivers think when they see me dance behind the wheel. I love this part about driving alone. I can put the music on as load or soft as I want, put an audio book on or act silly; nobody around who cares. This is my precious Me-time. I can tune out the daily hustle and bustle. No emails I can answer; no surfing on the web. Just me and my thoughts.

But tonight’s drive will not be one of those relaxing once. It will be hard work. There are still lots of cars on the road and the weather is getting bad quickly. A few raindrops change into a continuous downpour interspersed with hail, fog and slush. Argh! For the first time I have proof that my car has traction control. I have to admit my heart skipped a beat when it kicked in the first time.

I’m getting tired and wishing Elmer was in the car as well so he could take over.  We have noticed that we rarely put music on while driving together. Probably because we can talk for hours on end about the truck, work, our adventures, family or simply about things we see around us. We seem to entertain ourselves. Of course I always make sure we have enough snacks and beverages with us to keep us going. Thus, being on the road is most often* real quality time for us. (*I better not tell you about the time I almost left Elmer behind at the border of … Bulgaria it was I think.)

So what we love about a life on the road is not only the new places we discover or the new people we meet, it also all the time literally spent on the road, driving there.

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