
Travel navigation: Which road to follow?

“How do you know which road to take?”

“Where do you find the off-the-beaten-path?”

“How do you plan your route?”

People have asked us these questions more than once. And to be honest we were bad in answering them. Strange isn’t it? These questions seem to be fairly simple, right. What is the problem then?

Well, this might come as a surprise, but we never put much time in our navigation. Our route planning is very minimal. No hours of prepping, no detailed road book to follow … simply “what could be an interesting road to get from here to there?”


To find those scenic roads we use the following tools:

Minimal preparation

When we travel to a new country/area we do some online reading beforehand (to be honest Elmer does most of this). What are the places and activities we shouldn’t miss, what are tourist traps, are there any natural forests, etc.?

We mark these points of interest on our paper road map. This gives us an overview of the places and people we want to visit.  Having this clearly visualized in front of us makes it easier to decide upon the general travel route.

Next, we search for additional geographical features around this travel route that draw our attention: lakes, mountains, forests … These we find on paper road maps, google maps or on the navigation app.

Finally, we look for small roads (local roads, gravel paths, forest roads, …)  that take us there.

And the rest is up to keeping our eyes and ears upon while driving.

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